The structure of my Wretched Horde is meticulously designed, a reflection of the diversity, talent, and commitment of my loyal followers who continue to aid in our shared quest for Global World Domination™.
IMP The original gangsters of the teeVillain universe. The first 100 brave souls who answered the call of villainy when the new site was born, arising like a phoenix from the ashes of my previous domain seized by the Secret World Police.
GRUNT Soldiers who have proven their commitment to our cause by completing at least one Task or Mission. They are my boots on the ground, reliable and always ready for action.
MINION Rising above the Grunts, Minions have proven their dedication by carrying out more missions and tasks, showing their unwavering allegiance to teeVillain.
RUFFIAN Demonstrating a particular knack for mischief and chaos, Ruffians are valued assets in executing my dastardly plans.
MARAUDER A Marauder is one who has braved numerous missions, cementing their reputation as fearless agents of villainy.
DIRE BONES Ascending the ranks to become Dire Bones is no easy feat. It requires dedication, cunning, and a willingness to embrace the darker side of villainy.
CORE BONES Those who form the very backbone of my operations, demonstrating a level of commitment and effectiveness that earns them their distinguished title.
MISTER BONES They have transcended the ranks, cementing their status as key players in my plot for Global World Domination™.
VILE COHORT Recognized for their vile brilliance and dedication, they have proven themselves as trusted and reliable cohorts.
ARCH COHORT Respected and revered, Arch Cohorts have proven themselves as crucial elements of my operations, their contribution invaluable.
GRAND COHORT The highest ranking members of my loyal followers, the Grand Cohorts have earned their position through unparalleled dedication, cunning, and accomplishment.
SPECIAL OPS They keep the League of Dastardly Do-Badders functioning smoothly while spreading the wicked message of teeVillain.
BERZERKER These are the wild cards, the unpredictable forces of chaos. Unpredictable, passionate, and always interesting.
WRAITH Mysterious and elusive, Wraiths operate from the shadows, aiding our cause through clandestine actions, their real identities shrouded in mystery.
ARTIST MASTERMIND The creative geniuses that bring our operations to life, their artistry propelling teeVillain to new heights with each design they provide.
Each rank is a testament to my follower’s dedication to our shared cause. Every promotion in rank represents a further step towards my ultimate goal, the Global World Domination™.